Sunday, August 16, 2009

Annual Family Reunion

Today was our family reunion. It's held every year at the city park in the town of Tipton, Indiana. Most of us live near Tipton or are within an hour's drive from there and the rest are scattered around our great country. Tipton seems to be the most centrally located for the majority of us Hoosiers and they have a huge shelter house which allows for a nice breeze. And boy did we need the breeze today. It was, as they say, stinkin' hot!

We do a pitch-in every year with the reunion fund providing the meat and drinks. We typically average about 80 attendees. This year the attendance was a little down at 67. There were several out-of-state family members who weren't able to make it this year, but hopefully, we'll see them next year! The oldest person there today was my Mom's oldest brother (I think he's 81 or 82). The youngest were several little cousins and my niece who are all 3. We do pinatas for the kids and they have a great time trying to get to the goodies inside! The pix are of my nieces. The youngest is 3 and she's taking her turn and the oldest at 6 thinks she likes it better as a hat!
Wow, I think a fun (and tiring) day was had by all!

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